Apart from unlimited energy and some serious enthusiasm, I offer all the usual services that consultants can provide… feasibility studies, effluent options reviews, wastage auditing, technical training, design services (including functional design specifications, detailed performance specifications, peer review, etc – whichever is most appropriate to your project). I also do skilled troubleshooting, expert witness work and motivational training for managing wastage…
Due to my background in line and staff management, and my training as a coach or co-facilitator, I also offer management skills and team-building training. This covers all the usual management skills: systematic approach, objective setting, communication skills (listening and assertion), leadership, effective working groups, etc., etc.
Furthermore, after over 40 years in the F&D sector working as a consultant, I have a great network of contacts/friends/fellow professionals in many areas of engineering, F&D technical and management…… so if I can, I will….. if I can’t I’ll usually know someone or a company who can…
What’s more I’m more than happy to work piecemeal… if you need 1 day of input, I’ll bill you for 1 man-day…. if you need a weeks work I’ll charge you for a week…. if you have a scope of work, or would like me to help you put one together so I can give you a totally fixed fee quotation (which will include ALL expenses), give me a call to discuss the best way of doing it!

Note: There are no mileage or travel costs for any clients in Cornwall and my first visit is always free and without any obligation.